Recurring invoices

How to create recurring invoices in Invoiless

Ayoub Amine

Last Update 3 mesi fa

The purpose of recurring invoices is to automate the process of creating and sending invoices on a regular basis, eliminating the need to manually create and fill in details each time. Instead, a recurring invoice is created with set settings that generate new invoices automatically.

How to create a recurring invoice?

To create a recurring invoice:

1. Go to the Invoice Builder.

2. Input all necessary information such as the customer, items, notes, terms, etc.

3. Enable the "Make recurring" option to enable recurring invoicing. Additional options, such as automatic invoice sending, accepting online payments, etc. can also be enabled.

All the fields have the same meaning as a normal invoice, except:

- Date Issued: This is the date when the invoice generation process begins.

- Due Date: The difference between the due date and the date issued will be used to determine the due date for future invoices. For example, if the difference is 7 days, future invoices will always have a 7-day due date.

- Status: You can choose between two options for this field: Active (the recurring invoice will be set to running and invoices will be generated) or Inactive (the recurring invoice will be set to inactive and no invoices will be generated).

Will the invoices begin generating immediately?

No, the process runs every 10 minutes, so the first invoice will be generated within that time frame. The initial invoice will be based on the "Date Issued" field specified when creating the recurring invoice. Subsequent invoices will use the last billing date as a reference. Once the first invoice is generated, the last billing date cannot be changed.

How to view the generated invoices?

You can view all invoices generated from a recurring invoice by clicking "View Invoices" from the recurring line actions.

Will updating the recurring details affect old invoices?

No, any changes to the recurring details will only affect future invoices.

No invoice is generated!

Make sure the "Status" field is "Active" and the "Date Issued" is not a future date.

How to generate paid invoices?

To generate paid invoices, scroll down to "Make recurring > With Status" and change it from "Pending" to "Paid".

If I delete the recurring entry, will all generated invoices be deleted as well?

No, the generated invoices will remain. As a best practice, try to keep your records organized, and don’t delete anything without good reason—keep everything!

I hope I've answered all of your questions about the recurring, and that you find them useful. Feel free to reach out in the live chat if there's anything else I can help with.

Enjoy! 🧡

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